Tug of War

A Poem.

2 min readJan 4, 2022
Photo credit: Bruno Horwath, via Unsplash

Twisted, wicked, masked parade.

Never mind those idle days.

Let alone my pens recent escapades.

As the clock strikes twelve;


Time for life’s masquerade.

Pessimistic pedigree.

A ballerina twisting free.

Catching up on dirty looks… Beneath the shade of willow trees.

Rotten apple alchemy.

Optimistic misery.

Color blind catastrophe!

A butcher’s knife to slash all the books…

  • Literary murder mystery.

One crash will end the juxt.

Drive around aimlessly —

Make your engine roar, and plead.

To the end of the road —

There’s no turning back.

Drive off the edge of a cliff, but where’s the tact in that?

How about it then?!

  • You smash into me…
  • I’ll count.

One, two, THREE!

Pushing, pulling — Tug of War.





My ideas on the complexities of our mind’s with an appreciation for the “darker” realities— Whilst insisting Hope remains, unwavering, in all of us!.